Our cardinal points : The four directions and the Shamanic principle of the wheel of life
The above image is from my last Shamanic seminar in Berlin
I was about 8 years old when I start learning about shamanism, my mother taught me traditions from our Latin American female ancestors.
Very rarely do I share pictures of the workshops, seminars, or rituals of my spiritual studies and practices, there is a specific reason for this: some universal laws stand that it is important to have some modesty and respect around these powerful ancient techniques, sharing and teaching them yes, “showing them “ rarely.
But as my mission is to create bridges between spiritual philosophies and fashion practice, and to connect you with amazing healers, teachers, and spiritual mentors around the world, I thought to share with you a very important shamanic concept today: The four elements in the wheel of life and the Shaman who taught me this.
While interviewed for a panel early this week, I mention that fashion has lost its cardinal points, thru losing its values, vision, and identity due to the EGO-driven social requests of markets.
It is not something new, it has been going on for long, too long….
While life is asking all of us that work in this system, to take responsibility and action in a proactive way, I wish to share the methodology & concepts that come from my Shamanic studies as support.
Going to the bases, shamanism is one of the most ancient spiritual philosophies, before civilizations, humans relate to life through the interaction with the cosmos and stars, with animals and earth, with the under, upper and tridimensional world……so Before all the noise we create thru civilizations, cities, and modernity, we had the ability to be connected with life and to listen to ourselves deeply.
I find this so on point right now, isn’t this one of the reasons why life is asking us to slow down, reset and rebuild?
Shamanism has nothing to do with having a trip with “Ayahuasca” this is something you may choose to do while studying, but real Shamans would mostly never propose you do this as it may have consequences, especially if you are not prepared or in good hands.
You can be in trance and meditate just with the beautiful sound of the shamanic drum and songs.
To me, Shamanism is a philosophy, a way of living and interacting with the world, and it can be so related to fashion and self-development if we use it as a supporting tool, so today I am giving you one of the most important concepts to start with: The four directions, North, south, east and west and how we interact with this energies.
Let me ask you a question: what happens when we get lost? we consult the compass, the GPS, or any other direction tool, right?
well, again, it is about time that we consult our internal compass…..